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Revision as of 21:55, 31 August 2005 by (talk) (FAQ: How to create a form allowing anonymous posting from public website?)

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Allowing (Anonymous) Visitors to Add Content

Setting up an anonymous form

How to create a form allowing anonymous posting from public website?


Explains the basic idea, creation and settings of Anonymous forms. The name anonymous is in some cases not accurate, as the form is used for reader personal info and the readers must be authorized to edit their own info.

See also: doc/reader.html, doc/alerts.html, doc/script/show_result.php3

1. General usage of Anonymous Forms

Anonymous forms are similar in function and design to the Add / Edit item page. The main difference is they are placed outside of the AA Control Panel and thus do not provide the AA authorization and have a design of their own.

The most common usage is to allow web readers to suggest new content. After filling the Anonymous form it is sent to the Holding Bin and a Thank you page appears. But you can also allow readers to edit items with the Anonymous form.

2. Filler and fillform

Two scripts handle the anonymous forms. The first, filler.php3, stores the info coming from the form into the database. It also validates the data and prooves permissions to edit or update the item. The second, fillform.php3, refills the data into the form shown to the reader. It retrieves the data from database or in some special cases directly from filler.

3. Creating Anonymous Forms with the Wizard

In the previous AA versions until version 2.4, the process of creating Anonymous forms was very simple: Copy the code of the Add item page with only a few necessary changes. But as the form now allows to edit items and to use several options for it, a new wizard was created. This wizard creates the HTML code for a complete form with the SSI include of fillform.php3 necessary to edit items. The resulting form differs depending on whether Anonymous editing is allowed or not.

You may change these settings in the wizard or later in hidden fields:

Table 1. Wizard settings

err_url The URL to which the script filler.php3 jumps when some error occurs. It may be the same page on which the form is shown.
ok_url Like err_url, for successful changes.
show_result The URL of a PHP script which receives the results from filler.php3. This allows for a completely free design of how the errors are presented to the user. See below.

If you are interested to know more about what the form contains, here are some remarks:

  • The fields shown in AA but not shown in the anonymous form are mentioned in the notshown[v7377697463682e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e] hidden variables. This allows to set these fields to default values on posting and to store old values on updating.
  • The setting use_post2shtml allows to use the POST method for the form even though it is on a shtml page. See more info in the script post2shtml.php3.

4. Editing with anonymous forms

If you want to edit items with anonymous forms, first you must allow to choose which item to edit. You can create a view and add a link to the headlines, which links to the anonymous form and contains the parameter my_item_id=11a7cc0908d77c22bf2c7ca43cdd8480. Another approach is used in Reader management slices, see below.

You must choose the correct setting in Slice Admin - Settings - Allow anonymous editing of items, which is used by the filler.php3 script on an item update request. The options are:

Table 2. Anonymous editing options

Not allowed Never allow to update items
All items Always allow
Only items posted anonymously For items posted anonymously, filler always sets the ITEM_FLAG_ANONYMOUS_EDITABLE flag. By choosing this option you allow only items with this flag set to be edited.
Only items posted anonymously and not edited in AA Similar to the previous one, but when you edit the item in the control panel, the flag is cleared and thus the item is no more allowed to be edited anonymously.
Authorized by a password field filler looks for a field of type Password (with Id beginning with password....) and requests the password sent by the user to match. The password may be set on item creation. If the field is not flagged required, an empty password may be used. The new Field Input Type, Field Insert Function and Field Validate Functions Password and Change Password provide the usual edit boxes for changing, deleting and entering password, which is stored encrypted. The disadvantage is the password must be sent on every update.
Readers, authorized by HTTP auth This is a special option, useful only for Reader management slices. The username given to the browser on HTTP authentification is looked for in the database. Each reader may edit only his or her personal info.

5. Tips and tricks

  • It is possible to send images and other files by the form (unlike the anonymous posting in version prior 1.5)

  • It is possible to set values to a non-displayed field by just adding a hidden field for such a field:

    <input type=hidden name="v696d675f6865696768742e2e2e2e2e2e" value="Anonymous author">

    Note: This solution is easy and good working in many cases, but it is by no means secure. Any experienced user can change the values of the hidden fields so do not rely on such data. A better solution is to completely omit such fields from the input form and set the default values for the fields in "Admin" -> "Main setting - Fields" -> "Edit" -> "Default". The values are than set directly from the database. This solution is a little bit more secure.

  • The inputs are validated as if they were typed in the standard itemedit.php3 form. When there are any invalid data, the whole item is not updated. The javascript validation used in itemedit.php3 is also included in the form created by the wizard

  • You can disable the standard AA validation by adding a hidden field notvalidate in the form:

    <input type=hidden name="notvalidate" value="1">
  • Be cautious when using two anonymous forms on one page. You must rename the form and the Javascript variables so that
    they do not conflict with each other.

    If your form includes HTMLarea, you will need to include <body onload="HTMLArea.init()"> in your form page.

6. Reader management specifics

Each reader has her or his own item in the Reader management slice. Thus the HTTP authentication described above may be used directly to determine which item (reader personal details) to show in the form.

In this case two forms are needed, one being the publicly accessible subscribe form and the second being the HTTP protected Change personal details form. Because the fields on both the forms may be the same, you can use one form and include it into two different .shtml pages.

For webs not using Auth we need a way to ensure nobody not only edits but even views the data. This is achieved by assigning a special Access Code (see the Reader management documentation) to each reader, which must be added to the URL in order that the data are prefilled. The password authorization described above is than used on item update.

7. Show results

Sending the data to AA results in adding the data into database or in an error. Some of the errors may be excluded in advance by Javascript validation (function proove_fields). But some of them, like a username being already used, can not.

By default, the fillform.php3 script shows standard error messages. They always appear at the place where fillform.php3 is SSI-included in your shtml page.

You may create your own PHP script (see an example in doc/script/show_result.php3) and send its URL as a value of a show_result variable. Add it as a parameter to the fillform.php3 SSI include created by the Wizard, e.g.

<!--#include virtual="/aaa/fillform.php3?show_result="-->

An array $result with the results will be sent to the PHP script and you may print appropriate messages, see the example.

The $result array content is created at various places in filler.php3 array. Look there for accurate info. At this moment the messages are:

Table 3. Results from filler.php3

fatal Fatal error. Several messages related to the slice, not to the particular item. These errors help on creating the web page.
validate Array with not validated fields, field_id => message, e.g. headline........ => This username is already used created on field validation. You may create your own messages depending on the field_id.
permissions Missing permissions. Depending on the setting for Anonymous editing (see above), this item did not fullfill the requirements.
store Some error in StoreItem. Usually this points to an inner AA error.
success No error. The operation was successfully done. The value is insert or update (i.e. $result["success"] == "insert" or $result["success"] == "update" in the show results script).
email_confirmed Added by fillform.php3 on Reader management slices: When the reader successfully confirms his or her email by using the URL sent in an email, fillform adds a message email_confirmed => OK. This message is added only when the email has not yet been confirmed.
unsubscribed Added by fillform.php3 on Reader management slices: When the reader unsubscribes from Alerts (which is achieved by setting How often to an empty value).

Discussion: A similar result may be achieved by adding several fields to the form, e.g. fields


and by creating the .shtml pages with a static message concerning the particular error. The main advantage of this approach is the web administrator may not know PHP. The disadvantage is the necessity of creating many pages but using SSI includes the pages could look only like:

<!--#include file="err_top.shtml"-->
The username you entered has already been used. Please try another username.
<!--#include file="err_bottom.shtml"-->

FAQ: How to create a form allowing anonymous posting from public website?

Explains the basic idea, creation and settings of Anonymous forms. The name “anonymous” is in some cases not accurate, as the form is used for reader personal info and the readers must be authorized to edit their own info.

<a name="genral"></a>1. General usage of Anonymous Forms</strong></div></div>

Anonymous forms are similar in function and design to the Add / Edit item page. The main difference is they are placed outside of the AA Control Panel and thus do not provide the AA authorization and have a design of their own.

The most common usage is to allow web readers to suggest new content. After filling the Anonymous form it is sent to the Holding Bin and a Thank you page appears. But you can also allow readers to edit items with the Anonymous form. </div>

<h2 style="clear: both;" class="title"><a name="filler"></a>2. Filler and


, stores the info coming from the form into the database. It also validates the data and prooves permissions to edit or update the item. The second, fillform.php3, refills the data into the form shown to the reader. It retrieves the data from database or in some special cases directly from filler.

<h2 style="clear: both;" class="title"><a name="creating"></a>3. Creating Anonymous

Forms with the Wizard</strong>

In the previous AA versions until version 2.4, the process of creating Anonymous forms was very simple: Copy the code of the “Add item” page with only a few necessary changes. But as the form now allows to edit items and to use several options for it, a new wizard was created. This wizard creates the HTML code for a complete form with the SSI include of fillform.php3 necessary to edit items. The resulting form differs depending on whether Anonymous editing is allowed or not.

<a name="d0e108"></a>

<colgroup><col /><col /></colgroup> <tbody></tbody>
err_url The URL to which the script filler.php3 jumps

when some error occurs. It may be the same page on which the form is

ok_url Like err_url, for successful changes.
show_result The URL of a PHP script which receives the results from filler.php3. This allows for a completely free design of how the errors are presented to the user. See <a href="">below</a>.

If you are interested to know more about what the form contains, here are some remarks:

  • The fields shown in AA but not shown in the anonymous form are mentioned in the notshown[v7377697463682e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e] hidden variables. This allows to set these fields to default values on posting and to store old values on updating.
  • The setting use_post2shtml allows to use the POST method for the form even though it is on a shtml page. See more info in the script post2shtml.php3.
<h2 style="clear: both;" class="title"><a name="editing"></a>4. <a name="editing"></a>Editing with anonymous forms</strong>

If you want to edit items with anonymous forms, first you must allow to choose which item to edit. You can create a view and add a link to the headlines, which links to the anonymous form and contains the parameter my_item_id=11a7cc0908d77c22bf2c7ca43cdd8480. Another approach is used in Reader management slices, see below.

You must choose the correct setting in Slice Admin - Settings - Allow anonymous editing of items, which is used by the filler.php3 script on an item update request. The options are:

<a name="d0e169"></a>

<colgroup><col /><col /></colgroup> <tbody></tbody>
Not allowed Never allow to update items
All items Always allow
Only items posted anonymously For items posted anonymously, filler always

sets the ITEM_FLAG_ANONYMOUS_EDITABLE flag. By choosing this option you allow only items with this flag set to be

Only items posted anonymously and not edited in AA Similar to the previous one, but when you edit the item in the control

panel, the flag is cleared and thus the item is no more allowed to be

edited anonymously.
Authorized by a password field filler looks for a field of type Password

(with Id beginning with password....) and requests the password sent by the user to match. The password may be set on item creation. If the field is not flagged required, an empty password may be used. The new Field Input Type, Field Insert Function and Field Validate Functions “Password and Change Password” provide the usual edit boxes for changing, deleting and entering password, which is stored encrypted. The disadvantage is the password must be sent on

every update.
Readers, authorized by HTTP auth This is a special option, useful only for Reader management slices.

The username given to the browser on HTTP authentification is looked for in the database. Each reader may edit only his or her personal


<h2 style="clear: both;" class="title"><a name="tips"></a>5. Tips and

  • It is possible to send images and other files by the form (unlike the anonymous posting in version prior 1.5)
  • It is possible to set values to a non-displayed field by just adding a hidden field for such a field: This solution is easy and good working in many cases, but it is by no means secure. Any experienced user can change the values of the hidden fields so do not rely on such data. A better solution is to completely omit such fields from the input form and set the default values for the fields in "Admin" -> "Main setting - Fields" -> "Edit" -> "Default". The values are than set directly from the database. This solution is a little bit more secure.
  • form. When there are any invalid data, the whole item is not updated. The javascript validation used in itemedit.php3 is also included in the form created by the wizard
  • You can disable the standard AA validation by adding a hidden field notvalidate in the form:
  • Be cautious when using two anonymous forms on one page. You must rename the form and the Javascript variables so that
    they do not conflict with each other.

    <h2 style="clear: both;" class="title"><a name="rearder"></a>6. Reader management


    Each reader has her or his own item in the Reader management slice. Thus the HTTP authentication described above may be used directly to determine which item (reader personal details) to show in the form.

    In this case two forms are needed, one being the publicly accessible subscribe form and the second being the HTTP protected “Change personal details” form. Because the fields on both the forms may be the same, you can use one form and include it into two different .shtml pages.

    For webs not using Auth we need a way to ensure nobody not only edits but even views the data. This is achieved by assigning a special “Access Code” (<a target="_top" href="">see the Reader management documentation</a>) to each reader, which must be added to the URL in order that the data are prefilled. The password authorization described above is than used on item update.

    <h2 style="clear: both;" class="title"><a name="show"></a>7. <a name="show"></a>Show results</strong>

    Sending the data to AA results in adding the data into database or in an error. Some of the errors may be excluded in advance by Javascript validation (function proove_fields). But some of them, like a username being already used, can not.

    script shows standard

    error messages. They always appear at the place where fillform.php3 is SSI-included in your shtml page.

    ) and send its URL as a value of a show_result variable. Add it as a parameter to the fillform.php3 SSI include created by the Wizard, e.g.

    with the results will be sent to the

    PHP script and you may print appropriate messages, see the example.

    array content is created at various

    places in filler.php3 array. Look there for accurate info. At this moment the messages are:

    <a name="d0e310"></a>

    <colgroup><col /><col /></colgroup> <tbody></tbody>
    fatal Fatal error. Several messages related to the slice, not to the particular item. These errors help on creating the web page.
    validate Array with not validated fields, field_id =>

    message, e.g. headline........ => This username is already used created on field validation. You may create your own

    messages depending on the field_id.
    permissions Missing permissions. Depending on the setting for Anonymous editing

    (<a href="">see

    above</a>), this item did not fullfill the requirements.
    store Some error in StoreItem. Usually this points to an inner AA error.
    success No error. The operation was successfully done. The value is “insert” or “update” (i.e. $result["success"] == "insert" or $result["success"] == "update" in the show results script).
    email_confirmed Added by fillform.php3 on Reader management

    slices: When the reader successfully confirms his or her email by using the URL sent in an email, fillform adds a message “email_confirmed => OK”. This message is added

    only when the email has not yet been confirmed.
    unsubscribed Added by fillform.php3 on Reader management

    slices: When the reader unsubscribes from Alerts (which is achieved by

    setting How often to an empty value).

    A similar result may be achieved

    by adding several fields to the form, e.g. fields

    and by creating the .shtml pages with a static message concerning the particular error. The main advantage of this approach is the web administrator may not know PHP. The disadvantage is the necessity of creating many pages but using SSI includes the pages could look only like:

    Using anonymous form for editing existing content

    How to edit items in public website?

    You have prepared a public anonymous posting form and want to use it to edit items as well. How to do it?

    There is a script fillform.php3 with associated JavaScript utilities in include/fillformutils.php3. This script takes the long item id from var my_item_id and calls JavaScript functions to look for the fields and fills them appropriately.

    You may use it this way:

    file anonymous.shtml

    <!--#include virtual="/anonym.html"-->
    <!--#include virtual="/aaa/fillform.php3"-->
    <!--#include virtual="/bottom.html"-->

    Than you can call anonymous.shtml?my_item_id=... to show the edit form filled with old values.

    There are two additional parameters which most users will not need: use "form = formname" when you changed the name of the form containing the fields (usually it is "f"). Use "notrun = 1" if you want to fill the controls e.g. only after clicking somewhere.

    Only items posted by public website and not updated in the AA admin can be edited this way - a flag ITEM_FLAG_ANONYMOUS_EDITABLE cares about it. It is reset every time you send an item with itemedit.php3.

    The same script may be used to refill conditions on a search page - see this.

    FAQ: How to edit items in public website?

    Only items posted by public website and not updated in the AA admin can be edited this way - a flag ITEM_FLAG_ANONYMOUS_EDITABLE cares about it. It is reset every time you send an item with itemedit.php3.

    The same script may be used to refill conditions on a search page - see <a href=""> this</a>.

    Notifications by email

    Can apc-aa send email? What is the Email Notification control panel for? How do I notify someone of a new item, or an item in the holding bin?

    ActionApps can send email.

    Go to the Admin -> Email Notification control Panel.

    There are four sections:
    New Item in Holding Bin
    Item Changed in Holding Bin
    New Item in Approved Bin
    Item Changed in Approved Bin

    Each section has three fields
    * Email addresses, one per line
    * Subject of the Email message
    * Body of the Email message

    Each of these section configures how action apps will respond to
    an event. For example, if a new item arrives in the Holding Bin,
    apc-aa will send an email notification to everyone listed in the Email addresses field.

    The Subject cannot use aliases (this should be fixed in a later version)
    The Body can use any aliases that you have defined for the slice, just as you use aliases in the Design control panels.

    NOTE: a bug was fixed in the sourcecode on Jan 18, 2002, so
    if you get errors, you might upgrade your apc-aa version to
    the most recent version.

    FAQ: Can apc-aa send email? What is the Email Notification control panel for? How do I notify someone of a new item, or an item in the holding bin?

    ActionApps can send email.

    Go to the Admin -> Email Notification control Panel.

    There are four sections:
    New Item in Holding Bin
    Item Changed in Holding Bin
    New Item in Approved Bin
    Item Changed in Approved Bin

    Each section has three fields

    • Email addresses, one per line
    • Subject of the Email message
    • Body of the Email message

    Each of these section configures how action apps will respond to
    an event. For example, if a new item arrives in the Holding Bin,
    apc-aa will send an email notification to everyone listed in the Email addresses field.

    The Subject cannot use aliases (this should be fixed in a later version)
    The Body can use any aliases that you have defined for the slice, just as you use aliases in the Design control panels.

    NOTE: a bug was fixed in the sourcecode on Jan 18, 2002, so
    if you get errors, you might upgrade your apc-aa version to
    the most recent version.

    Allowing Visitors to Comment on Articles

    How do I setup discussions?

    AA v2.0.0 supports discussions. The example, how the dicussions could look is on:

    Discussions are quite configurable (through views and aliases). Discussions can be easily managed in Item Manager - you can edit posted comments, Hide/Show them and Delete it.

    Note, that each discussion is allways related to one item in slice.

    There are some steps you have to do, if you want to add discussion to items, some of the steps depend on whether you are showing slices through slice.php3 or site.php3:

    Design the Discussion

    1. Switch to slice, where you want to have discussions
    2. Go to 'Admin - Design Views'
    3. Choose 'Discussion' in the listbox and click 'New'
    4. The form for view editation should be filled with the default values (if not, you can use settings from the end of this e-mail)
    5. Modify the 'HTML code of the form for posting comment' in order the form will be posted to right script:
      change the code:
      <form name=f method=post action="/apc-aa/filldisc.php3"...
      to point to directory, where your AA are installed (possibly: ...<form name=f method=post action="/aaa/filldisc.php3" ...)
    6. if you want comments to be approved before displaying then add the code:
      <input type=hidden name=d_state value=1>
      after the
    7. click on Insert to create the view
    8. The code below assumes the view created is number 55

    Integrate into Full text View (if you are using slice.php3)

    1. Go to 'Admin - Design Fulltext'
    2. Select the created view in 'Show discussion' listbox
    3. Now the discussions will be shown just after fulltext of item.

    Integrate into Full text View (if you are using site.php3, or possibly if you are just using view.php3)

    Open the view that shows the full-text, add for example:


    Check in your site file (e.g. apc-aa/modules/site/sites/site_xxxx.php3) to see that the lines dealing with sh_item are not commented out e.g.

    # Handle paging, takes from variable like scrl=24&scr_24_Go=3/
    if( isset($scrl) ) { # page scroller
      $pagevar = "scr_".$scrl."_Go";
      $apc_state['p'] = $$pagevar;
    if( ($apc_state["p"] <= 0) OR ($apc_state["p"]=='-') )
    $apc_state["p"] = 1;

    Integrate into Item Manager so the discussions can be edited.

    1. Go to 'Admin - Design Item Manager'
    2. Change the 'Item format' using _#EDITDISC alias. For example you can add new column just like:
      <td class=tabtxt><a href="_#EDITDISC">Edit</a> (_#D_APPCNT/_#D_ALLCNT)</td>
    3. Possibly change 'Top HTML' for header of item manager and click OK.

    Add to Listing views

    typically you want the number of comments, and a link to either View or Add Commends depending on whether there are any, code if called from site.php3 might look like....

    <a href="?{relargs}&i=_#SITEM_ID({switch({disc_app........})0:&add_disc=1}#disc">{switch({disc_app........})0:Add::_#D_APPCNT} Comments.</a>

    Done. Discussions works.

    Aliases usable for discussions

    Discussion design is defined in special view - 'Discussion' view. Following table shows aliases, which you can use for the design. Many of the aliases have also its own "field_id", which is presented in the second table column. The "field ids" you can use, if provided aliases do not fill your needs. If you want (for example) to modify date format, you can use
    {alias:d_date..........:f_d:j. n. Y} expresssion, instead of the _#DATE###_ alias.
    _#SUBJECT_d_subject.......subject of the discussion comment
    _#BODY###_d_body..........text of the discussion comment
    _#AUTHOR#_d_author........written by's e-mail
    _#WWW_URL_d_url_address...url address of author's www site
    _#WWW_DESCd_url_descript..description of author's www site
    _#DATE###_d_date..........publish date
    _#IP_ADDR_d_remote_addr...IP address of author's computer
    _#CHECKBOX checkbox used for choosing discussion comment
    _#TREEIMGS images
    _#DITEM_IDd_item_id.......comment ID (the same as _#ITEM_ID_)
    _#ITEM_ID_d_item_id.......comment ID
    _#DISC_ID_d_id............item ID
    _#URL_BODY link to text of the discussion comment
    _#URLREPLY link to a form
    _#DISC_URL link to discussion
    _#BUTTONS_ buttons Show all, Show selected, Add new of parent discussion comment
     d_state.........state of this discussion comment (0 - visible, 1 - hidden)

    Default values for discussion view

    If the default values for the view design are missing, here are some values that work:

    Top HTML
    <table bgcolor=#000000 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 align="center"><tr><td
    class="discuss"><table width=100% bgcolor=#f5f0e7 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>
    HTML code for index view of the comment
    <tr><td width="10">&nbsp;</td><td class="discuss">_#CHECKBOX</td><td width="10"
    class="discuss">&nbsp;</td><td align=center nowrap class="discuss">_#DATE####</td><td width="20"
    class="discuss">&nbsp;</td><td nowrap class="discuss">_#AUTHOR## </td><td class="discuss"><table
    cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td>_#TREEIMGS</td><td><img src=
    aa/images/blank.gif width=2 height=21></td><td nowrap class="discuss"><a
    href=_#URL_BODY>_#SUBJECT#</a></td></tr></table></td><td width="20"
    Bottom HTML
    <tr><td align="center" class="discuss" colspan=8><br>_#BUTTONS#<br><br></td></tr>
    Show images
    Order by
    View image 1
    <img src= width=9 height=21>
    View image 2
    <img src= width=9 height=21>
    View image 3
    <img src= width=9 height=21>
    View image 4
    <img src= width=12 height=21>
    *HTML code for fulltext view of the comment*
    <table bgcolor=#000000 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 align="center"><tr><td class="discuss">
    <table width=100% bgcolor=#f5f0e7 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=0 border=0>
    <tr><td class="discuss"><b>_#SUBJECT#</b></td></tr>
    <tr><td class="discuss"><A href="mailto:_#EMAIL###">_#AUTHOR##</a>, _#DATE####</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="discuss"><br>_#BODY####<br><br></td></tr><tr><td align="right"><a
    HTML code of the form for posting comment
    <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript"><!--
    function checkData() {
    var text="";
    if(!document.f.d_subject.value) {
    text+="subject "
    if (text!="") {
    alert("Please, fill the field: " + text);
    return false;
    } return true;
    } // -->
    <form name=f method=post action="/aaa/filldisc.php3" onSubmit=" return checkData()">
    <table bgcolor=#000000 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 border=0 align="center"><tr><td
    class="discuss"><table width=100% bgcolor=#f5f0e7 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=0>
    <tr><td class="discuss"><b>Author</b></td><td class="discuss"><input type=text
    <tr><td class="discuss"><b>Subject</b></td><td class="discuss"><input type=text name=d_subject
    <tr><td class="discuss"><b>E-mail</b></td><td class="discuss"><input type=text
    <tr><td class="discuss"><b>Comment</b></td><td class="discuss"><textarea rows="5" cols="40"
    name=d_body ></textarea></td></tr>
    <tr><td class="discuss" colspan=2 align="center"><input type=submit value="Send"><input type=hidden
    name=d_parent value="_#DISC_ID#"><input type=hidden name=d_item_id value="_#ITEM_ID#"><input
    type=hidden name=url value="_#DISC_URL"></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></form>

    FAQ: How do I setup discussions?

    AA v2.0.0 supports discussions. The example, how the dicussions could look is on:

    Discussions are quite configurable (through views and aliases). Discussions can be easily managed in Item Manager - you can edit posted comments, Hide/Show them and Delete it.

    There are some steps you have to do, if you want to add discussion to items, some of the steps depend on whether you are showing slices through slice.php3 or site.php3:

    Design the Discussion

    1. Switch to slice, where you want to have discussions
    2. Go to 'Admin - Design Views'
    3. Choose 'Discussion' in the listbox and click 'New'
    4. The form for view editation should be filled with the default values (if not, you can use settings from the end of this e-mail)
    5. Modify the 'HTML code of the form for posting comment' in order the form will be posted to right script:
      change the code:
      <form name=f method=post action="/apc-aa/filldisc.php3"...

      to point to directory, where your AA are installed (possibly: ...<form

      name=f method=post action="/aaa/filldisc.php3" ...)
    6. if you want comments to be approved before displaying then add the code:
      <input type=hidden name=d_state value=1>
      after the <FORM> tag.
    7. click on Insert to create the view
    8. The code below assumes the view created is number 55

    Integrate into Full text View (if you are using slice.php3)

    1. Go to 'Admin - Design Fulltext'
    2. Select the created view in 'Show discussion' listbox
    3. Now the discussions will be shown just after fulltext of item.

    Integrate into Full text View (if you are using site.php3, or possibly if you are just using view.php3)

    Check in your site file (e.g. apc-aa/modules/site/sites/site_xxxx.php3) to see that the lines dealing with sh_item are not commented out e.g.

    if( isset($scrl) ) { # page scroller
    $pagevar = "scr_".$scrl."_Go";
    $apc_state['p'] = $$pagevar;
    if( ($apc_state["p"] <= 0) OR ($apc_state["p"]=='-') )
    $apc_state["p"] = 1;

    Integrate into Item Manager so the discussions can be edited.

    1. Go to 'Admin - Design Item Manager'
    2. Change the 'Item format' using _#EDITDISC alias. For example you can add new column just like:
      <td class=tabtxt><a href="_#EDITDISC">Edit</a> (_#D_APPCNT/_#D_ALLCNT)</td>
    3. Possibly change 'Top HTML' for header of item manager and click OK.
    4. </ol> Add to Listing views

      typically you want the number of comments, and a link to either View or Add

      Commends depending on whether there are any, code if called from site.php3 might look like....

      <a href="?{relargs}&i=_#SITEM_ID({switch({disc_app........})0:&add_disc=1}#disc">{switch({disc_app........})0:Add::_#D_APPCNT} Comments.</a>

      Done. Discussions works.

      Aliases usable for discussions Discussion design is defined in special view - 'Discussion' view. Following table shows aliases, which you can use for the design. Many of the aliases have also its own "field_id", which is presented in the second table column. The "field ids" you can use, if provided aliases do not fill your needs. If you want (for example) to modify date format, you can use
      {alias:d_date..........:f_d:j. n. Y} expresssion, instead of the _#DATE###_ alias.

      _#SUBJECT_d_subject.......subject of the discussion comment
      _#BODY###_d_body..........text of the discussion comment
      _#AUTHOR#_d_author........written by's e-mail
      _#WWW_URL_d_url_address...url address of author's www site
      _#WWW_DESCd_url_descript..description of author's www site
      _#DATE###_d_date..........publish date
      _#IP_ADDR_d_remote_addr...IP address of author's computer
      _#CHECKBOX checkbox used for choosing discussion comment
      _#TREEIMGS images
      _#DITEM_IDd_item_id.......comment ID (the same as _#ITEM_ID_)
      _#ITEM_ID_d_item_id.......comment ID
      _#DISC_ID_d_id............item ID
      _#URL_BODY link to text of the discussion comment
      _#URLREPLY link to a form
      _#DISC_URL link to discussion
      _#BUTTONS_ buttons Show all, Show selected, Add new of parent discussion comment
      d_state.........state of this discussion comment (0 - visible, 1 - hidden)

      Default values for discussion view

      Top HTML


      HTML code for index view of the comment<td

      class="discuss"> </td><td align=center nowrap class="discuss">_#DATE####</td><td width="20"
      class="discuss"> </td><td nowrap class="discuss">_#AUTHOR## </td><td class="discuss"><table
      cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tr><td>_#TREEIMGS</td><td><img src=
      aa/images/blank.gif width=2 height=21></td><td nowrap class="discuss"><a

      href=_#URL_BODY>_#SUBJECT#</a></td></table></td><td width="20"
      class="discuss"> </td></tr>
      Bottom HTML <tr><td align="center" class="discuss" colspan=8>

      Show images on
      Order by thread
      View image 1 <img src= width=9 height=21>
      View image 2 <img src= width=9 height=21>
      View image 3 <img src= width=9 height=21>
      View image 4 <img src= width=12 height=21>
      • HTML code for fulltext view of the comment*

      <A href="mailto:_#EMAIL###">_#AUTHOR##</a>, _#DATE####



      HTML code of the form for posting comment <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
      <form name=f method=post action="/aaa/filldisc.php3" onSubmit=" return checkData()">


      Author<input type=text
      Subject<input type=text name=d_subject
      E-mail<input type=text
      Comment<textarea rows="5" cols="40"

      name=d_body ></textarea>

      type=submit value="Send"><input type=hidden
      name=d_parent value="_#DISC_ID#"><input type=hidden name=d_item_id value="_#ITEM_ID#"><input

      type=hidden name=url value="_#DISC_URL">


      Allowing Visitors to Subscribe

      Is it possible to add new users from public website?

      In AA v2.6 or current CVS is introduced Reader Management slice and Auth Module. Users for Auth are stored in slice and each user is in fact slice item. So, you can create standard anonymous posting form into the "Reader manager" slice to allow user subscribtions.
      You can set the form to put new users (=items) to holding bin, so they have to wait for your approval - just like in normal slice.
      There is no possibility (at this moment), how to add common Authors or Editors to AA permission system from public webform.

      FAQ: Is it possible to add new users from public website?

      In AA v2.6 or current CVS is introduced Reader Management slice and Auth Module. Users for Auth are stored in slice and each user is in fact slice item. So, you can create standard anonymous posting form into the "Reader manager" slice to allow user subscribtions.
      You can set the form to put new users (=items) to holding bin, so they have to wait for your approval - just like in normal slice.
      There is no possibility (at this moment), how to add common Authors or Editors to AA permission system from public webform.

      Allowing Visitors to Subscribe to News By Mail Service

      ~ToDo: Convert Jakub't docs about Alerts 

      Managing Your Subscribers

      ~ToDo: Convert Jakub't docs about sending ad-hoc Alerts