How To Contribute

From ActionApps Documentation
Revision as of 17:31, 22 July 2005 by Marek (talk | contribs) (Hooks for Actionapps interface)

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Keep the discussion going

Sometimes (php online manual is the best example), the users contributed notes provide a greter help than the documenation itself. We are aiming to do the same here. There are two places where we encourage you to keep discussion.

Go and edit it

Any page within the /documentation can be edited by anybody. So if you see that there is a typo, you would say things differently, you see some vandalism that can be fixed by rolling back, or you want to add comment, please do so. Yes, you have to be logged in, but you simply create yourself a new account. If you forget your password, create a new one. Just use something close to your real name, so that we know who you are.

Editorial guidelines


~ToDo: Write general guidelines for writers
--Marek 22 July 2005 18:25 (CEST)
TIP: If you are using Firefox, you can install a free SpellChecker toolbar called SpellBound. It helps a lot.

Adding images

~ToDo: Write HowTo for ading images 


If you for whatever reason can't finish certain sectios, put in this:

~ToDo: <What needs to be done>

Don't forget the leading space. It's easy for anybody to search for all ~ToDo, and even in the compact list of search results it's clear what else needs to be written, so you can pick your favourite topic straigt away and a have a good time writing about it :-) .

Hooks for Actionapps interface

If you are writing about something that youthink should be linked from the actionapps interface, mark it with

~Hook: Breadcrumps -> in the -> AA navigation 

Again, don't forget the leading space.

--Marek 22 July 2005 18:31 (CEST)
This is my tip


We are trying to keep a list of comonnly used terms (mainly aa specific). Please get yourself familiar with what is there and

  • Keep linking to it as you write
  • Add new terms if you feel something significantly important is missing

Related articles

By moving the documentation from AA to wiki we have lost an easy way to add related documents (the "See also:" ones). Please try to keep doing them manually.

New chapters

~ToDo: Write guidelines for creating new chapters.    

Syntax help, tips and recommendations

~ToDo: Link wiki syntax help